Bromeso Model 684 with celluloid handle (Mother-of-pearl imitation)
“I was able to get my hands on my very first Bromeso straight razor in August of 2018. Considering the age of the razor, it’s in an extraordinarily good shape.”
Brand Bromeso
Edition Elipse
Handle material Celluloid, Mother of Pearl imitation
Handle inlay Crown on tortoiseshell ornaments with ornamental bands on the sides *
Blade steel ?
Blade width 5/8"
Blade engraving -
Tang engraving front "Bromeso" (in elipse)
Tang engraving back Solingen 684
Owner Dirk (Admin), Remscheid / Germany
* The company Hermann Mehl, which basically led the addition “Bremerhaven / Solingen” on its razors, manufactured straight razors with a very similar handle inlay. The company seems to have been a wholesaler based in Bremerhaven, which had Solingen companies manufacture their razors. Whether this circumstance allows any conclusions to be drawn as to whether Emil Broch bought the handle of this Bromeso razor through wholesalers remains unclear.